Thursday, May 14, 2009


Tomorrow I leave for Buenos Aires on my first visit to South America. The trip will host a lot of firsts; my first time traveling alone, the first time I am abroad for over a month (6 weeks), the first time I will be required to speak Spanish constantly and the first time I'm living with a host family.

For the six weeks I am in Argentina I will be interning at Bairexport while indulging in Latin American culture. I'm hoping to learn a bit more about finance and business research through the internship, but more importantly meet new people, travel and experience Buenos Aires. I'm truly excited and hope that this blog will serve as my thought pad for everything I experience. After two years in college I've realized that taking risks and embarking on adventures only occurs when you're young, so i fully hope to use these six weeks to do just that.

I'll try and keep my posts short, funny and to the point so please leave comments and feedback.



1 comment:

  1. Here's to hoping the spanish you learned from Ms. Prada is sufficient enough to get you by wherever you are going. And now that you're finally excited about taking risks and embarking on new adventures, I fully expect you to go skydiving with me whenever I decide to do it.

    Have fun on your travels mate and bring back some good stories.

    P.S. Don't forget that America is the best country on Earth.

    Later Broseph
